Face Veneer

Myrtle burl varnished

Species: Myrtle burl (Umbellularia californica)
Origin: North America
Manufacturing method: peeled
Colouring: light brown over orange-yellow to olive-brown
Available certified: Yes

The myrtle burl belongs to the family of Lauraceae and as with some other burl woods, only the burls – in this case the root – is important here. The burl nodules on the shrubs or small trees can reach a growth height of up to 20m and a trunk diameter of 1,2m. The veneer image of the myrtle burl is characterized by dense grain cores surrounded by circular and wavy lines, and beautiful glossy effects. Sometimes the uniform image is interrupted by differently wide ring structures and ingrown centors. It is used in special and upscale interior fittings, in the production of furniture and in automotive expansion.