Face Veneer

Poplar burl varnished

Species: Poplar burl (Populus nigra)
Origin: Europe
Manufacturing method: sliced
Colouring: yellowish white to light brown
Available certified: No

The Black poplar belongs to the family of Salicaceae und originates from Europe. It can reach a growth height of up to 30m and a trunk diameter of 2m. It likes to grow as a river companion and is present in larger stands on the European rivers Loire, Rhone, Po, Danube, Elbe, Rhine and Vistula. The veneer image of the poplar maser is characterized by numerous irregular groups of small black burl core, which are embedded in a bright basic texture. The burl cores are surrounded by slightly intricate and wavy ring lines. The veneer of the poplar maser is used in exclusive and upscale interior design, in the production of furniture and in automotive expansion.