Face Veneer

Bird’s eye maple varnished

Species: Bird’s eye maple/Sugar maple (Acer saccherum)
Origin: North America
Manufacturing method: sliced
Colouring: light yellow over yellowish white to pale golden brown
Available certified: Yes

The sugar maple belongs to the family of the Sapindaceae and comes from North America. For many Americans, it is probably the most important tree, as it is used to win the popular maple syrup. The bird’s-eye maple is a misgrowth of the sugar maple, which has a burl-like structure of about 0,5cm large “bird eyes”. The “bird’s eyes” stand out from the light white over white yellowish to pale golden-brown base hue and give the veneer a beautifully shiny appearance. The noble veneer of the bird’s eye maple is used in exclusive interior design, for high-quality furniture, musical instruments and in automotive industry.